Transition Investment Workshop
The Great Reallocation:
Mobilizing Capital for Transition Investment

Globalization and capitalism have brought about tremendous welfare improvements for the global population, raising the standard of living in emerging countries and developing nations. However, the world is currently grappling with massive global market failures, spanning from climate change to rising income inequality, from food insecurity to global poverty, which governments alone are unable to effectively address.
Globalization and capitalism have brought about tremendous welfare improvements for the global population, raising the standard of living in emerging countries and developing nations. However, the world is currently grappling with massive global market failures, spanning from climate change to rising income inequality, from food insecurity to global poverty, which governments alone are unable to effectively address.
Against this looming backdrop, a glimmer of hope shines from the rise of transition investing, a new investment philosophy combining the enabling contribution of institutional investors, the transformative power of private markets, and the investment additionality achieved in emerging and lower income countries of the Global South, the Middle East, Africa, and Southern Asia (MEASA) region.
In the wake of the its first, highly successful, invitation-only Transition Investment Workshop (TIW) at the NYUAD campus in May 2023, TIL will convene on October 31, 2024 senior executives of top-tier financial institutions, regional sovereign wealth funds, family offices, specialized asset managers, researchers, and policymakers to explore how to involve asset owners at scale in SDG-aligned investments.